Spring Craft Party launches TAG VISION: Together, Art Grows

Spring Craft Party launches TAG VISION: Together, Art Grows

Spring Craft Party launches TAG VISION: Together, Art Grows

RUTLAND, VT – Welcome springtime into your neighborhood by decorating garden stakes, cute ladybug rocks, and other fun crafty creations during April school vacation.

On Tuesday, April 18, 2017 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM, there will be a Spring Craft Party in the Community Green Space at 113 Library Ave.

The Rutland Rec will be grilling up hot dogs on the barbeque and other snacks will be provided, free of charge.

Participants will be able to take their craft home to spruce up their garden or porch. The Spring Craft Party is the public launch of the TAG VISION Project, or “Together, Art Grows,” a youth-focused initiative that aims to build community and neighborhood pride through the creation and installment of public art.

The following week, TAG VISION asks the community to continue their involvement in a Community Input Session for TAG art projects at the Rutland United Methodist Church, 71 Williams St. on Wednesday, April 26 from 6-8 PM.

The Community Input Session will begin with a brief presentation of selected properties from around the neighborhood and inspiring art installations from around the country.

The community will be invited to vote on the first TAG project to be completed this summer by youth. Self-assessments with the aim to measure human assets in the community will also be administered, including a question asking if they know a youth (age 13-17) who could participate.

Residents of Northwest Rutland are highly encouraged to learn more about this project and offer their input. Coffee and sweets, plus exciting door prizes, will be offered.

If you are interested in sculptures, murals, or have an idea to bring light into your neighborhood, join the Spring Craft Party and the Community Input Session.

These events are free and open to the public.

Facebook event. https://www.facebook.com/events/1433423083386630/

Facebook event. https://www.facebook.com/events/1302471503175155/

Web. https://www.nwwvt.org/community-revitalization/tag-together-art-grows/

March 27, 2017


Contact:  Shannon Kennelly, Communications & Outreach Coordinator

Tel. (802) 797-8606    Email.  [email protected]